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  • Upgrading Your Money Mindset

Upgrading Your Money Mindset

And How It Might Be Holding You Back If You Don't

Do you think money is real?

Your answer to this shapes your relationship with money.

And your money mindset is THE thing that’s holding you back from making it (or keeping it).

This can be a triggering topic for many, but if you’re willing to explore it in depth, it can unlock a whole new reality of abundance and wealth for you.

Because you’re reading this, I know your goal is reaching new levels of wealth and freedom.

You’re here to play the inside-out game because you know the outside-in game alone isn’t working for you.

So let’s dive in and talk money.

To be a successful, and more importantly, fulfilled entrepreneur: you must examine your money mindset and how you’re unconsciously getting in your own way of receiving abundance.

The DNA of an entrepreneur sees money differently from the rest.

While most work the 9-5 and trade time for money.

Entrepreneurs work to trade money for time and on a higher level, trade money for easier money.

The problem for entrepreneurs who grew up living the 9-5 and seeing their parents live the 9-5, is that they still carry the programming that “you must trade time and hard work to earn more money”.

To create a life of true freedom and wealth, you must first dismantle this unconscious programming.

Money, you see, is not real.

I used to think it was.

I’ve had successful launches, co-built a 7-figure business, and I even had a previous company I worked for go public with an IPO.

I watched as large amounts of cash built up in my bank account.

I watched as $80k of debt from “school” and poor investments disappeared instantly within a few months.

I experienced the ecstasy of feeling like “I made it”…

And then the anxiety kicked in.

  • What happens if I lose it all?

  • What if I go back into debt?

  • What will my family and friends think of me?

  • What if I get lazy and stop making money?

  • I have to keep working harder to keep more coming…

  • No wait… I should treat myself a bit, right?

  • Holy shit how much taxes do I need to pay?

  • What do I even do with this money?

  • This is great… I want more though…

  • But what if this is the last time I’ll ever see this much “success”?

And the waves of thoughts and feelings kept going.

When you see money as real, you give it the power to disrupt your sense of reality.

But money is not real and when you realize this, you take back control of creating new and amazing realities.

You can take back the power money has over you and step into real abundance and wealth.

The Law Of Money

When you see money as real, you will fall into the trap of NEEDING to make it and keep it.

This disrupts the law of money.

If money is not real, then what is it?

Money is currency.

And currency (current) is frequency.

So money is frequency and energy.

Therefore, like energy, money is constantly flowing.

Your job is not to hold money but to be a vessel money can flow through in a way that creates more value for the world and more freedom for yourself.

Your work then, is to NOT block the flow of money.

Money needs to flow.

Let’s talk about how you might be unconsciously blocking the flow of money.

Your job is not to hold money but to be a vessel money can flow through in a way that creates more value for the world and more freedom for yourself.

Colin Pal

The Programming Of Money

Your programming shapes your money mindset.

It’s either serving you or it’s not.

Some ways you can tell your programming is unconsciously blocking the flow of money:

  1. Having money conversations is difficult for you

  2. You struggle to ask for what you want because of a fear of getting rejected

  3. You feel uncomfortable and reject when someone offers to help you

  4. You deflect compliments or attention

  5. You allow people to overstep your boundaries

  6. You struggle to raise your prices even when you know you’re great at what you do

  7. Your worthiness is tied to the amount in your bank account

  8. You feel the need to look and feel a certain way to fit in

These are a few signs that you’re subtly telling the universe you’re not open to receiving.

“The universe can only do FOR you, what it can do THROUGH you.” - Preston Smiles

If you want more money, more clients, more success, more freedom, more fulfillment...

First, you’ll need to look at your self-concept: your identity.

Is it programmed to be fully open to receiving or programmed to block what the universe wants to give you?

  • Our identity shapes our beliefs

  • Our beliefs shapes our thoughts

  • Our thoughts shapes our feelings

  • Our feelings shapes our behaviors

  • Our behaviors shapes our results

This framework sums up why I started this newsletter.

To help you play the game at the deepest level of identity and mindset so that you can keep winning at the game of business.

To play the game from the inside-out.

Let’s look at your money programming:

  • What did you hear about money growing up?

  • What did you learn about money growing up?

  • What was modeled to you about money growing up?

  • What was your personal relationship with money growing up?

  • What traumatic or painful money experiences did you have or witness?

I’ll share some of mine.

I heard from my parents that we’re immigrants, so we must work hard for money.

This has programmed my resistance to easy-flowing money.

If I didn’t work hard for it, I didn’t earn it.

My parents also modeled that we have to save up money and be mindful of spending it so we don’t go broke.

I learned how to never be broke but also learned to not invest it to be wealthy.

I grew up seeing family members fight over money. I’ve even seen imprisonments and deaths happen in the family because of money.

So I unconsciously created a story that money is bad and will cost me relationships.

A story that if I become wealthy, I may risk losing my relationships with my family and friends. Maybe even lose myself.

As an adult and as an entrepreneur, I know none of this is “true”.

But the deep programming created subtle ways in which I blocked the flow of receiving money and wealth in my life and business.

My greatest ROI has been putting the time, energy, courage, and money into dismantling this programming.

The shift I made took back the power that money had over me.

To create a new set of principles for how I relate to money, manage money, and how I can keep money flowing.

The Freedom Of Money

Taking back your power and allowing money to flow…

Creates freedom.

We have learned (conditioned to believe) that our worthiness is somewhere outside of us.

That when we have XYZ, then we’ll be worthy.

And that we have to work hard to earn that worthiness.

We have become victims to that we give power over our worth.

Now remember: abundance is not a number, abundance is a state of consciousness.

When we can shift from playing the outside-in game to the inside-out game.

We can shift from being a victim of our money programming (to me), to a creator of money (by me), and furthermore a co-creator of wealth and impact with the constant flow of money (through me).

What does that look like?

By Me Consciousness

I dismantled my old money programming by creating a new framework for how I manage my money.

At a very high level for the sake of sharing, it looks like this:

  • I build my businesses to create active income

  • 50% goes toward my personal lifestyle

  • 25% gets reinvested to create passive income

  • 25% goes towards new businesses and projects

Money gets to be easy, it gets to flow, and it lets me do more of what I love: creating more value and impact in the world.

Through Me Consciousness

I let money flow.

I give and let go of attachment to how I’ll receive.

Will I ever go broke? It’s possible.

But it doesn’t scare me because I KNOW the universe will keep giving as long as I’m open to receiving.

Remember, the universe can only do FOR you what it can do THROUGH you.

I wrote a deeper dive post on the Levels of Consciousness here.

To wrap up, here are some key actionables for you:

  • Reflect on your Money Programming (use the questions above)

  • Note where you’re still attached to thinking money is real and where you’re still at the effect of it

  • Rewire your programming by creating a set of new principles and frameworks for how you manage and relate to money

  • Play at the Through Me level of consciousness and explore what it would look/feel like to allow money to flow

Share with me what comes up for you, I love hearing stories.

Writing this has been its own form of healing and therapy for me.

So thanks for reading, I hope you also found it helpful.

If you did, please share it with a friend!

Your Pal,


P.S. Whenever you’re ready…

  1. Check out the tools and resources I created here to help you take your business to the next level

  2. Want to dive deeper on how to become a time freedom Founder? I’m launching the 20 Hour Founders Course soon, get on the waitlist.

  3. Follow me on LinkedIn and Instagram for more tips on business and mindset growth